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Old 06-23-2009, 01:02 AM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by Snoman002 View Post
LOL, I missed your post when I typed my last post.

I have now done 3 covers with the 3 step process and nary a problem.

I only mention it because again, the anodizing guys do it, if they dont do the boiling water step to colors end up wearing off.

I can take pictures of my covers if someone wishes just to make sure I'm not pulling your chain, but other than a few white spots on my blue (actually purple) cover due to improper cleaning all the covers are perfect.
And I just re-read your post.

15 seconds is not bad at all.

Ill boil it next time I do it,

Mine was a 2 step process with only low heat water and then straight to ice cold water.
Remember 3-19-10, Sprint Winmo 6.5 release date

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