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Old 06-22-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: Is the Diamond (or Pro) still top dog in CDMA Land?

Originally Posted by monkeyboy View Post
ok, but it doesn't address the original question, which was in CDMA-LAND...
neither of these devices are available in CDMA land right now. The TP2 is on the horizon, near term, but the TD2 is nowhere in sight. And there is the Pre.

So do you have a better answer for the question that was actually posed?

(the answer seems to be, adding the Pre, but YES the TP and Diamond *are* still the top doggies in CDMA land... and the Samsung Omnia perhaps... and the Snap, if you like WM/Std...)
I apologize, I misread your question. CURRENTLY your best bets, with the option of total customization... with speed, stability and just plain good looks are going to be the Diamond or Touch Pro (not the Verizon version). The TP2 is nearly here, and the Pre has definitely made it's way to the awesome list... I just don't see that it's going to be as mod friendly as the HTC PPCs.
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