Re: Extracting XIP from Mighty/Slience ROM and inserting into Calcu's kitchen.
YOU have wasted all day!?!? LOL unfortionately i've wasted weeks doing the same!! It sounds like you're extracting the entire sys/rom and possibly the entire file system. It's a pain, lemme tell ya, what you want to do is make sure you extract XIP.bin, should be around which should be around 4.5 MB, os.nb.payload should be around 7-8MB, then can be shrunk down. Again, I have not mastered this yet and have beeen overwhelmed with other things. You might message one of those guys and just ask them if they'll hook you up with the XIP. I know they have done some crazy optimizations to it, so that may make it difficult too, just a theory. May also use the tools in Calku's kitchen and do the optimizations yourself. Is what I did.... kinda.... There's also an XIPKItchen created by LennySh it seems pretty neat. XIPPort is another useful tool along with htcrt. There's also htcRIE, ROM IMage Editor, just some of the tools available for xip work. I'd give you a clearer description, but i'm already under the gun to get a project done. GL Mang!