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Old 06-22-2009, 02:06 AM
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Re: 2 phones on 1 line

Originally Posted by Snoman002 View Post

So does anybody know of a pay as you go phone that can sit for a year or more and still work? Because that would solve my concerns. Unfortunatley I dont know of any that work like that.
trac phone has a card you can buy that will keep the account alive indefinietly i believe, for sure a one yr one, and they have a cheap 10 dollar phone...

Originally Posted by Snoman002 View Post
You know, I had actually been made to understand that an old cell phone could NOT dial 911. Back in the day (Startack days that is) everybody I knew believed that any old cell phone could dial 911. A couple years ago I heard that it was in fact not true that an old phone could do that.
Of course, 5 minutes of internet reasearch showed that I was incorrect and old phones could dial 911. In fact, many old phones are donated to agencies that help battered women, they had the phones out so the women can dial 911 if the need arises.

Guess I need to take those old phones away from my 3yr old now.

Now it makes me wonder how long a fully charged turned off cell phone will last? 6mo before the battery dies, 12, 18?

you couldve just dialed 911, phones go into emergency mode when u dial 911 and theres a specific ring u hear, that wouldve gave u your answer faster than a web search... a "fully charged turned off cell phone" would last forever, why would it lose power, its not like were talking out in the woods or somethin lol
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"