Re: SMS/Text Messages Type SLOW
Does anyone else think this is possibly an issue with the used characters calculation? In the SMS application, the only thing thats different from say Word Mobile or an email message is the calculator in the menu bar that tells you how many characters are remaining. This seems to be the only difference I can see. I also noticed that during times of lag, the character counter blinks. The longer the lag, the more it blinks... somewhat indicating to me that maybe it is the culprit. Has anyone experimented with ways to turn this off, or move it so somewhere that might be updated more often (as far as I know, the WM taskbar is slow to update, it has a lag of a few hundred MS... combine that with a dynamic battery gauge such as VistaHide and I can see where it would slow to a crawl)
I just switched from Threaded to Classic texting mode and the calculator moving from the taskbar to the bottom of the text input area made no difference. Maybe theres a way to just shut it off completely?
Last edited by Viking Mike; 06-21-2009 at 07:27 PM.