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Old 06-21-2009, 05:46 AM
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Re: Asurion now replacing the Touch for the Diamond

Asurion now does charge $100 per claim for tier 2 phones ( mainly smartphones/pda's, phones that are a bit pricey) and $50 for tier 1 phones (all others). Now I've most of this thread and a few things that im not sure that have been answered is The HTC touch pro and UT STARCOM 6850 are the same phone. The first is what i call the public name and the second what I would call the technical name. Another thing, people are saying they are receiving an HTC mogul for a mogul claim. I believe this is due to the fact that there are two different ways to claim ( or atleast me being a sprint customer, there is) The one website is (I believe this is a Sprint/Nextel self service site to make a claim.) The second website is (This is asurions claim site.) Now one might say big whooptie doo, but i needed to make a claim and went to the first site and they were going to send me another Mogul, which i refuse to have due to the slow nature of the phone. I was actually going to wait til i was out of contract to get a new phone so i could get a rebate and not have to worry about getting the mogul again, until i went to the second website. After I cancelled the claim when sprint showed they were gonna send me another mogul, i went to phoneclaim .com and went through the process and It says they are gonna send me a HTC 9850 Touch pro new fully kitted and they are sending it 2nd day super fast mail. Im sure they spend close to $20 to send the phone that quickly, Unless they have some kinda deal with brown cause they send out so many, But i'd still rather wait for regular ground mail if they would reduce the difference in price from the Insurance claim, ( or atleast give us the option)

Sorry for rambling on so much, but i hope this clears most up and/or helps some other people out.
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