Are you for real? Why do you think Motorola will buy me a free Q9 and put a $300 screen reader on it for free? Why do you think VZ spent huge bucks to put voice output on their phones? Why do you think A T & T pays $200 to every qualified person who wants a screen reader on their phones? Why do you think all major carriers have to offer free 411 to qualified persons? Why do you think MS includes Voice Command with all U.S. version of Windows Mobile now? Why do you think T Mobile could not introduce the Android phones until a screen reader was available? Why do you think my GPS Program (a $895 piece of software) was bought for me by my carrier? I can go on for days with examples. But, I would assume you don't really care. Do you think all of the aforementioned things were done (at great expense) merely out of the chairty of some company's heart? No sir, not even close. Each of those examples represent a successful claim or lawsuit. Can you give me one example when a section 255 complaint was unsuccessful?
Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Thats the spirit, challenge me because you have no ground to stand on.
I mean, if thats the interpretation of the courts have made, who enforce the law...and yet, here we are...whats wrong with that picture?
Or maybe the FCC is too small to take on the VZW? 