Originally Posted by Taffy
Thanks. I change your jpg file to bmp and copy to \windows folder, but still has problem like attached photo.
I attached my original HTCMenus.bmp and please help to modify the fixed one for me. Thank u
My bad on the .jpg not sure why I did that. Anyways...there are two different sizes to the HTCMenus.bmp files. One is 722x245 and the other is 722x221. The file you attached with green highlights is 722x245 and you stated that give you the corrupted menus. The theme includes a HTCMenus.bmp and is sized at 722x221. I am not sure why you have a green menu at 722x245. Anyways, I have attached the 722x221 HTCMenus.bmp from the theme to this post. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.