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Old 06-19-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: Using the Phone's GPS as the GPS for my Computer?

Originally Posted by VasKeZ View Post
Just to reaffirm- the GPS2Blue setup works and it picks up the GPS signal a lot faster than my old Pharos GPS receiver that originally came with Streets & Trips 2005. However, the phone GPS seems to have a harder time maintaining the GPS signal or something. While driving home yesterday, something with this setup stalled while I was driving through a valley where my location didn't update until a few minutes later after I made it back up out of the valley. Hummm... On a side note, I also noticed that when I was visiting NYC, I never could get a satellite lock through Google maps on the phone while walking around between the buildings... Now my old GPS did have a harder time maintaining the signals in the city as well, but it has never dropped the signal like that through the same valley area like my phone did. I till have to play around with it to find out all the ins and outs are with it.

Overall, I think that it'll end up being pretty useful since it'll be one less thing that I won't have to bring when traveling- I can just leave the old GPS receiver mounted in my car! Yay! It is nice to have options and the coolness factor is there too.

Thanks for everyone's help! =D>
outstanding, thank you. will be using this as soon as i find my bluetooth pc receiver
-PPC 6700, Moto Q, Touch, Touch Pro, Blackberry 9650, now EVO 3D