Originally Posted by castnorth
Trident, been using your rom for 3 days now and am loving it. This is the first 6.5 rom i've used and only the second flashed on (used rstguys 6.1-which was great). This rom has had great battery life and as i have gotten used to 6.5 it become easier to use. Most functions are much quicker tho with text messages the menu, action and touch screen seem to take more time than the other roms i have used. Haven't had as much time to play as i would have liked but am looking forward to any updates. I have read a lot of these posts and i appreciate your enthusiam. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, I really appreciate the input. I must admit that I thought that very few people were using this ROM... I love it and I'm glad others are getting some benefit.
I'll be putting together an update this weekend with the new 21815 SYS and including everything I've got on the ROM I've been using the last few days. I've switched back to an older dialer after removing the Tachi dialer and made a few other little changes. It's running great so far. I'm also using some files that fix the SMS sluggishness.