Originally Posted by deck
im here! in the new manila, the edit scrolling is the only bug left! and i believe it is an issue with contact utility engine or the font size of the device default. As for everything else, it has been fixed!! i updated post#2 agaion with all of the details. The reason people are having a bad time with the new opera is because of the version of flashlite installed. opera + older flashlite = fail. Although i cant get the latest opera stable with flash yet, it sure as hell is perfect without it. Reason i havent released this update yet, is because in the last 2 days , tek818 and i have been doing some heavy testing with all the new goodies, and i want it to be perfect before i release. i can honestly say, the build i am running right now is just about a 'dream' build. once i make up my mind with the opera issue (keeping 9.7 or going to 16702) then i will release! thanks everybody for all of your feedback and help. I promise u all will be very happy with next release.
Hi Deck,
I just read the Updated Post # 2 and something stood out regarding Updated Ezinput 2.0. I heard this new update disables completely the Auto-Complete Word feature. Can you confirm this assumption? If so, please consider avoiding disabling this feature because it is a very handy one that I would hate to see left out.
Thank you very much for all your hard work on our behalf.