Originally Posted by veedubguru
See, that's the kind of thing that happens to people when a device gets as much TV air time as the Palm Pre, or the iPhone. Peeps get sucked in and ooooh and aaahhhh. Do you recall seeing ANY TV ads for the Touch Pro? Probably not.
People tend to gravitate to whatever gets most heavily promoted, even though there are devices just as good, or better (Touch Pro of course) that are out there. But if they haven't been into a Sprint, Verizon, ATT, etc... store, then they don't even know about it.
Most people want a Touch Pro.... they just don't know it yet. 
HAHA. It's because they're all brainwashed.
Nothing has had the same amount of airtime as apple,
pay attention in every movie and about 75% of the tv series,
you'll see a product placement for one of their apple products,
and most of the time in movies,
it'll have a macbook, imac, iphone, and ipod at some point in time.
That was pretty close to the exact paragraph apple told me the first day of my apple customer service training when I worked for them.
Originally Posted by t0mmyr
wait till u show ur coworkers how well this phone can stream porn! lol how much more fun could u ask for