Originally Posted by Calkulin
Well it looks like the YouTube not playing issue is SIP dependant, so I will have to look at it tomorrow. Please post what SIP you have installed, if you have issues or not, so far I know fingerkeyboard by itself works, savage & nokian breaks it,
Hey Calk,
I posted this over at your TP thread but never got a response back. Seems SIP related issues are more prevalent than this. Like I said, why SIP festers in sound corruption is beyond me, but the Rhodium ports would seem to be a root cause.
BTW, did you ever get the donation I sent a few weeks back: I PMed you about it.
I've seen a # of posts concerning weird/intermittent Opera and sound file corruption and I have experienced the same issues, but until today I couldn't seem to isolate the problem, even after extensive registry analysis... I finally/painstakingly went thru all my app installs one-by-one and found MY issues related to Phatware Calligrapher, or more precisely, the default SIP.
The issues reared their ugly heads when I had Calli automatically replace the default Savage SIP. Having Calli as my default SIP caused BOTH Opera and corrupt sound file issues and believe me this has been a hell-of-a problem to troubleshoot, as everything else works perfectly, Calli included. I just causes these issues when I have it replace the default Savage SIP. I have 50+ apps installed and none of them has caused any issue like this weird one.
I also find that ANY other SIP installed; eg, FKB will not be accepted from the SIP change bar.
I had originally been using Merdin's Black SIP until Calk changed to Savage from FKB by default, and that's when my issues arose.
Now, I'm not sure why this happens w/Savage, and I am going to cook a ROM with Merdin instead of Savage and see if the issue goes away, but as of now, anyone experiencing these weird Opera and sound file corruption issues should investigate their SIP default or any additional SIPs installed to replace default and troubleshoot from there. I will report on my SIP troubleshooting if I find any significant materiel to add here.
Update: I confirm the issue is indeed w/Savage SIP v4.5; I have tested Savage v1.0 w and w/o arrows and they both work, and I'm now using Savage v1.0 w/arrows SIP and also using CooTek TouchPal, Phatware Calligrapher, Vito Zoom Board and FKB SIP w/no further issues.
Calk, why would the Savage v4.5 SIP cause this issue? I spent over a week trying to figure out what the root issue of this was, and finding it is a SIP issue was the most offbase WM technical surprise I've had in awhile. There seems to be no real underlying tech reason for this other than the Tachi Dialer and Savage SIP are both Rhodium extracts. I would never have thought corrupt sound files would be related to the choice of a SIP, and I did try swapping the Tachi Dialer to SLA with no resolution. It was only a direct recook w/o Savage SIP that finally solved BOTH Opera and ringtone issues.