Originally Posted by psywzrd
Can you please tell me how you mapped a button to lock AND power down on a single press? I see how you can map a button to do one or the other on a single press but it sounds like you got it to do both somehow. I'd like to map the VoiceDial button to do it.
I use an app called device lock (below). I made the following shortcut to it:
"\Program FIles\Lock\DeviceLock.exe" -o:1
This makes it lock the device and suspend. You must push the actual power button to wake it back up.
Note: Other parameters
-o:* Overrides the lock options and takes a number 0-2.
0 = Lock Only
1 = Lock then Suspend
2 = Lock then Blank Screen
-r:* Overrides the application to run after locking. This must have Quotes around it. Specifying -r:"" will prevent the default application from running.