Re: [ROM] [JUNE.09.09] MightyROM4 [Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4]
Ive tried with both the included ICS program, as well as wmwifirouter. My laptop gets assigned an IP, but I cannot access the web...and after several seconds a popup appears on my phone saying:
"Cannot obtain server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings".
BT PAN Driver in the network adapters setting is set to "use server assigned IP" well as the Remote RNDIS Host setting. I have a feeling the issues im experiencing is related to one of these network adapter settings.
I flashed back to the May 11th release and ICS over BT PAN is working again.
The only settings that are different between this and the 06-09 release is the BT PAN driver...which (ony the may 11th release) is set:
*use specific ip addresss
and remote-ndis host:
*use specific ip address