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Old 06-17-2009, 06:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] [JUNE.09.09] MightyROM4 [Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4]

Originally Posted by itouch24 View Post
also noticed with the red version if u have bluetooth on and a notification and u hit the multi icon on the taskbar .. there is a little row that opens up under taskbar .. shows u the bell 4 notification and the bluetooth icon and the whole row is still selected in blue (my old color).. not a big deal but just giving a heads up

set this setting to see what i am talking about quicker
u still see this at times when u have a notifaction and bluetooth on even with that below option chceked
start/settings/system/touchflo ..uncheck show sys status screen when status icons are tapped

I just took a look at that screen shot, and I don't think that has anything to do with my themes, because I don't change that portion. To my knowledge that's not even a manila file that controls that, most likely a registry key some where. The ROM at stock settings doesn't do that, nor does it with my theme installed with 4 different colors I tested, so I'm unsure where you get that to happen, unless more users have the same issue and I'm totally unaware about it...
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