Originally Posted by boredmug
I'd maybe think about the TP2.. No keyboard gets annoying. Iphone is a quality device, i'm not denying... Just too many annoying things i don't like about it such as Itunes and the app store. True, the new 3gs can be had with up to 32gigs of space, but do you have any idea how much money it would cost to fill that with music at .99 cents a song? lol.
I hate the no hardware keyboard to but i'm willing to give it a try. Also i have been texting with my ipod touch and its the same as the iphone and i got used to it pretty fast. As for being locked in with AT&T for 2 years... that not a issue and i don't mind. I still got a second line with sprint so i can go back at anytime by just adding a new line. I have a ipod touch 16gig almost filled and not one of the songs came from itunes.