Re: Using the Phone's GPS as the GPS for my Computer?
Hold everything... I just realized that there is a com assignment drop down menu next to the bluetooth radio button that allows me to change where the program looks for the bluetooth. Once I changed that to COM0, it seems to have liked it and now my laptop can see it as a functioning bluetooth GPS. Now to take a stroll outside to see if I can get any satellite signals...
Success! Gotta make sure that you assign the outgoing Bluetooth port to the one that is paired up to the laptop- in my case, COM0.
Interesting. Looks like I can only run one connection through bluetooth at a time- so no internet and GPS through the BT connection at the same time. No big deal though- it just means that I'll have to run a separate USB cable to the laptop if I want internet access (which is about 2x faster for downloading data than over bluetooth) while running the GPS through the BT connection...