Help! My SMS / Mail Program Does Not Work
So I have this weird problem. I can receive text messages no problem and can auto setup my and account no problem, downloads the emails and everything. But when I click on them to open them, the hourglass (or in this case spinning 4 dots) displays and nothing happens except they go from bold (unread) to unbold (read).
They don't open, no matter how I try, nor can I click on them and forward, reply, or anything like that and it's the same on my text messages.
To make it even more confusing, it has done this on the last 5 roms I have had, but every time I flash a new rom, it works normal for a few messages, then stops working.
Is there a fix? is this a common problem? Maybe I can download a new .exe file that handles mail or something because the one in my phone is corrupt.
Please help me.
Thanx, also if you want to IM me on AIM to help I am bigdawgdl v2. God Blass