I updated my own prl, SO I know its possible, Its just been a while since I did it and I lost the thread. But check search for prl 60750, on that thread is the instructions on Updating PRL. It had the prl file 60750 attached, basically you download the attachment, go into REGISTRY and change a few things then wait 10 min (to get the code). Then there itll make a file to edit and in there itll bring you to the Upload PRL screen, then from there you click on the PRL and itll update.
Along them lines, like I said its been a while but you can do it yourself, My wifes even done it over the phone with a sprint rep, but they do it differently. Ill see if I can find the thread but its out there.
Here is a site that should work. Read the thread youll figure it out, my steps were off a little like I said its been a while but its all there.