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Old 06-17-2009, 10:49 AM
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Re: Verizon i910 6.1 and 6.5 Kitchens Ready

Originally Posted by coolingoutofhabit View Post
hey adryn I am running your 2.7.1 rom with m2d. thank you for that! now, I thought I would try to cook my own which I have done before for a friend's touch pro. when I cooked that rom, to start it I just had to click on BuildOS. with your kitchen, when I click on BuildOS my puter says the program has stopped running. I am running win7 64bit in case you wanna know. also when I copied over the new kitchen files for 218** and opened shell.cmd and typed the command you gave it couldn't finish the compression cause my puter was missing msvcr71.dll. That was no problem as I had the file in another kitchen, but just wanted to let you know in case you want to include it in the kitchen itself. Any thoughts on my issue?
You'll need to go through the tutorial posted. Its not the same, and you cant just jump right in.
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