Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 3.0 'Phoenix' (21812) ** || Build date 61209 ||
[argh...for the length of my posts, I hope they're insightful]
Since reflashing to 6.13, and posting yesterday, I had a lock up last night that forced another soft reset, which performed a hard reset on the device. I have "My Phone" set up, so recovering from a hard reset isn't totally killing me, but I haven't been able to identify the issue. The next time it freezes, I'll take a previous posters advice and try flashing back to the stock ROM and then back to ENERGY. [thanks for the tip]
...there's really no consistency that I've observed. Here's what I have experienced so far:
I've had the device lock up randomly after a soft reset when installing cabs [get caught on the Touch Pro screen]. I've had the device lock up while charging overnight [you wake up, the circle is lit indicating a full charge, but the device is unresponsive...soft reset forces a hard reset]. I disconnected from the charger and noticed the battery indicator was losing about 1% battery every 2 counted down to about 94% then locked up. I've had reminders go off, I pick up the device to dismiss and the unit locks.
I mean, having a device lock up isn't really's the fact that the soft reset doesn't simply reboot it.
I have notes on what's installed on my phone and what order I've installed. At this point, the only thing I've done was install the stop blinking cab and G Alarm [current build]. I also have my wall paper set up [but not on all pages]. Still keeping an eye on it...I'll let folks know if I figure anything out and get the device stable for a few days at least.
BATTERY CABS! I haven't fully tested these to see what kind of improvements one might expect on this ROM, but here's a couple if anyone wants to test them out [I wouldn't install both, just one or the other]:
Last edited by ThreeFaces; 06-17-2009 at 10:39 AM.