why it's nice to have a current backup...
I was driving to work this morning & my phone lit up & vibrated for an incoming call, but it never rang & it is set to vibrate & ring. That seemed odd & it has always worked perfectly before, but I did make a few changes to the system last night.
I made new backups with both SPB & Sprite last night before making any changes (I always do this). After I answered the call that had not rang correctly, I soft reset the system. The system then hung on the mobile 6.5 splash screen (I am running Merdin's awesome 6.5 ROM/Telus radio) & then did the same thing two more times so it was basically unbootable.
At that point, I did a hard reset & restored the latest SPB BU file (I keep 5-6 BU's on my 16 gig card at all times). By the time I got to work (probably another 10 minutes), the system was perfect again..........
This would have been a major PITA if I didn't have a current BU.........