Looking for a new phone
Hello. I haven't been to this site in a long time . So I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong place.
I am in the need for a new phone. My phone got in a fight with a wall and ended up with a cracked inside screen. So I can make/receive calls but that's it. So I need a new one. Just to note that I have Alltel. So, I am attempting to sell my Ipod touch (2nd gen 16 gig) to get a new phone. The phones are generally going for 230 on Ebay or so. I don't prefer ebay so I put it on Craigslist. I put it up for 245. Now, I am looking at the HTC touch phones. I previously owned a HTC Touch and really liked it, just couldn't afford the data plan so I sold it. I can prolly get one for around 100 bucks. I really like the Mogul 6800. Like the full keyboard, plus it has wifi. I have an offer to trade my touch straight up for the Mogul but I think I am getting ripped off. My touch is way more. What phone would you guys recommend? I would like something with Wifi, headphone jack and something that's compattible with MIcro SD Card.
Thanks for the help!!! Jon