Originally Posted by Slevin
Hi, I checked the backlight settings in power, and I did have the box "Unchecked" for Backlikght is always dim when locked. I installed the cab and reset my phone, but when I lock the device the backgroud is still very dim??? Any other thoughts, I really hate it dim when locked.
I'll let you in on a little secret if you grab me a pint of Carl's ice cream!!
There is a registry setting that is persistent when trying to change how dim the backlight is when the device is locked>
It's set to "0" and, while you can change the value, once you reset it will revert back to 0. Delete the key, and after a reset it will recreate itself. Rename the key, it will re-create itself after a reset. Kinda like herpes I guess....you think you've gotten rid of it and ***POOF*** -- flare up!!! (of course, not speaking from personal knowledge, just what I remember from 6th grade sex-ed!)