Sprint Mogul email woes w/ Cox
Hello, Newbie here sorry if I'm posting in wrong forum! I have a new Sprint Mogul and Cox as my ISP. A few months ago I was able to set up my email and was getting and sending just fine, thru Vista Webmail on my HP notebook. I decided to start using Vista's Outlook 2007 instead so I could take advantage of sync and other features of Windows Mobile 6. Now all hell has broke loose. I can't send email thru my Mogul now. I have tried every combination of smpt outgoing server scenerios on the Mogul and no luck. Sprint techs are no help and Cox worse. I know using smpt.west.cox.net won't allow relaying and Sprint suggest using their smpt server to send mail. So I entered my Vision user name and password on setup, (smpt.sprintpcs.com for outgoing mail and pop.west.cox.net) and get failure messages! I could be entering wrong password/username but can't verify it cause Sprint's network is down! Please help!