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Old 10-07-2007, 12:25 AM
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being as I just spent most of the day yesterday getting my Mogul working again (after attempting to flash to the alltel ROM) I can tell you a bit more about the PCS vision user/pass setup (or at least what worked for me)

If you go to sprints website and sign into your account, you will see an area (if you have a data plan) where you can set the username and password for your sprint account. For instance, I can set my sprintpcs username via My Sprint -> Settings and Preference -> Power Vision Username. Same goes for the password.

After you have looked up and/or set these parameters, get into the programming menu (stock sprint ROM will be ##3282#, alltel ROM you run /Windows/EPST, enter your MSL to edit) and you can enter the username and pass. For instance, on the Alltel ROM that I flashed to, I get into the EPST tool, pull to M.IP Customer Profile 1, and there is my username (NAI) and password (AAA Shared Secret). Changing either one results in my not being able to connect to the data network (error 67) but if they're correct I can surf all day long. On the sprint ROM, it was ##3282#, but the username field was called username, not NAI.

I discovered this last night almost on accident, as I had spent almost 5 hours on the phone with sprint but still didn't have working data...I've been up all day without any issues so far since putting the correct info in.

Hopefully this helps somebody out - I've gotten my data plan working on both the Sprint and Alltel ROMS by following these steps.
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