Originally Posted by kim legault
I tried it all, still not working out wih google maps or tom tom 7
Here is what is going on
- the telus navigator thing does work, no problems
- for tom tom I changed the device to all there also changed the baud rates to all possible and nothing worked
- for google maps the baud rate changes dont help
I tried the VIEW GPS tool I dont know if I am using it proberly. Basically I open the program, choose the baud rate, then click open GPS. ( I dont check any of the other boxes). With every baud rate, I see some gibberish appearing below after I click open GPS, however with each baud rate when I go to the next page it always tells me there is " no fix"
any ideas ? I dont know what else to do and am close to giving up. For the phone settings am I missing something ? I have the beam turned off as I read that this should be off.
Any help would be appreciated..!!!
I had a really hard time getting this to work for me.
I finally did the following and it all worked instantly.
1) VERIFY: Start/settings/phone/services/ highlight Location and click get settings.....needs to be ON
2) Start > Settings > External GPS
Programs Tab: Drop down menu: COM4
Hardware Tab: Hardware Port: (None)
Access Tab: Check the box "Manage GPS auto...
Ok to exit
3) Launch your GPS program, FYI I'm using TomTom 7.450 and maps USA_and_Canada_830_2323.
Touch the signal strength bar (bottom right)
Touch the signal strength bar again (top right)
Configure, Make sure "Built-in GPS receiver" is selected
I had 6 sats in 3 seconds, and I'm indoors.