Originally Posted by MiltonPro
I just tried out Groove 5 ROM. That is a good ROM. I would say its as stable and fast as MR5 now. The one thing thats keeping me from going back to MR5 is the dial pad and slide to answer. InTHeGroove designed a new dialer witht the black slide to answer and it works perfectly( you can see it on his first post)..... I have yet to see a slider work so flawlessly.
The one thing is, some applications I would do with out. MR5 has the right amount of apps. I just want to figure out a way to make groove 5 ROM's dialer work on Mike's.....
I've been using Ruski-labs black dialer and slide2answer.. when copper came out it gave me a problem, but after 042509 MR release, its been working great for me...
sorry Nothing beats MightyRom..... I have not run into any problems with Mighty.... the rom get faster and its very stable. my camera all my stuff I use, sweet perfection...
edit: I attached the files so u can see it works just fine...