Originally Posted by darkjedi007
I found that Oz Messenger is the only one that doesn't require constant data connection. If you are out of service or have the program closed, the next time you start it up it'll give you all the messages that were sent during that period. You are also seen as online by your friends unless you manually sign out in the program. I prefer this as my friends can then IM me whenever for whatever reason as opposed to only being able to catch me whenever I happen to have my IM client open. Its mostly personal preference, and Oz Messenger is by no means perfect. That program is buggier than the rainforest
also 999 posts, early congrats on being a VIP
Yeah I fully agree, i use oz as well for this reason plus i also still have the option to log out. Oz could definitely be updated but fits the bill for now. what ive noticed is that none of them are perfect. thanks for the shoutout, post # 1000
Now only if i could figure out how to change my account status.