Originally Posted by p-slim
the reason the 3rd party programs burn thru battery is because it is connected to you im program, so therefore its constantly connected to the internet. Being as you can't access the im's from opera or ie, the only other option is a 3rd party program, which will need internet access. Most 3rd party apps, if someone sends you an im while your offline and then you login, every app i run will always pop up that offline message. but correct if the app isn't open then of course you won't receive messages which is good because if its important then my text or phone will ring, but i don't want to be walking around 24/7 receiving stupid im's.
I found that Oz Messenger is the only one that doesn't require constant data connection. If you are out of service or have the program closed, the next time you start it up it'll give you all the messages that were sent during that period. You are also seen as online by your friends unless you manually sign out in the program. I prefer this as my friends can then IM me whenever for whatever reason as opposed to only being able to catch me whenever I happen to have my IM client open. Its mostly personal preference, and Oz Messenger is by no means perfect. That program is buggier than the rainforest
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