Originally Posted by seamus
Trident - this is a great implementation of Groove's rom. Everything's smooth. I'm on Telus but the Sprint seems to work pretty good so far. I'll try generic when you get that out.
I like the double sized Titanium launchers, and the fact you included a program launcher... but it is harder navigating especially when you're close to the top or bottom. It's difficult to "bounce" off the top and bottom. Anyways, thanks.
Only CABS I like to add to it are Total Commander, CleanRam and Audio Booster
It's definitely a trade-off with the Titanium getting bigger. It's a trade I'm willing to make.
Only reason I don't add those cabs is that I use Resco Explorer & MemMaid. What does Audio Booster do? I never even looked at that- I don't do much audio listening except at the gym.