Originally Posted by brack21
...off days a different color...
Geeze, that's exactly what I use for my wife's days off - yellow highlighting. Plus a few other personal reminders, as well as using dark gray for days gone by, as they pass:
Maybe I should've jumped in here earlier, but I can't believe anybody in the world could ever go for doing this my way. It's sort of geeky. But then, we're all geeks here, to one extent or other, tapping and fingering our little toys, 'er I mean, phones. Anyway, some time like in December, I use the resident WinMo Calendar to display each of the coming 12 months, taking a screenshot of each month. Next, I open January from within a great little app called PaintWM5 (which works perfectly well in my WM v6.1 Sprint Touch), etc. Finally, as days go by, I open the current month to both (1) view what's up for that day and next few days, maybe adjust or add items, and (2) fill in today with dark gray. Using PaintWM is similar to Paint in desktop Windows PC:
PaintWM is not free, something like $15, but there is a free trial version that I used for years before finally registering. Well worth it (to me). Useful on many things other than calendars. So, in case you're thinking about trying my way, here's a link...
Hope this helps, MrG