Originally Posted by Scout123
I'm going to ask a question that is probably very obvious to most of you, but I'm hoping you'll indulge a nice old lady  with somewhat average technical know-how...
I've had my Touch Pro for about 7 months. Shortly after I got it, I flashed the ROM with another of the ones listed and went about my business, never really checking back to upgrade/update further. Last month, I lost my phone and after having it replaced, had to start from scratch. This time I installed MightyROM 4 and have tried to stay up with things a little better. I think I currently have the 6/5 version and will probably install the 6/9 version before I leave on vacation in a couple weeks.
My question has to do with MightyROM4 vs. MightyROM5. I understand that they are using different operating systems, just wondering what the benefits of MightyROM4 (is this the "reborn" one) over MightyROM5? Is MightyROM4 more stable which MightyROM5 is still developing? Also, I notice a lot of you mentioning 4.16 as being a great ROM. What advantages did it have over these others?
Thanks for indulging my ignorance!!! 
the mighty rom 4 series uses Windows mobile 6.1, which has been around a while and comes on just about every windows mobile phone around the world. having been around awhile, it's very well tweaked for speed and stability. the mighty rom 5 series has windows mobile 6.5 which has not even been officially released yet and still has some minor bugs.
4.16 is considered one of the most solid builds of all of mighty's roms. It was the last release before he started calling the 4 series R3BORN or Mighty Rom 4.