Hi again, Thanks again for all your efforts. I did get success with the 6.5 21232 kitchen as it comes out of the box. The rom it creates does boot and is functional. However, when trying to update the 21232 kitchen to 21812 I followed the instructions listed in the first post. I get a broken kitchen.
Rename your ROM and SYS folders.
Copy the xip.bin from the new ROM folder and paste it into the kitchen base folder.
Open shell.cmd in kitchen and type this exactly how you see:
osnbtool -c os.nb 1 xip.bin
Hit enter, and let it finish.
Rename your old os.nb and rename the new os.nb.NEW to os.nb.
You are now ready to cook!
I assume that after renaming the old ROM and SYS folders that we put the new ROM and SYS folders in place of the old. Then copied the new xip.bin and run with shell.cmd osnbtool -c os.nb 1 xip.bin. That part seemed OK.
Then I clicked aaa_Click2Build.cmd and keep all default settings in the BuildOS. Then BuildOS errors with messagebox "The file 'temp\dump\mkeeper.ini' already exists." When I ok the message box and close out the BuildOS the Samsung i90X ROM Kitchen window halts with "BUILD ROM ERROR".
A file search reveals that mkeeper.ini is part of both "MyPhone" in OEM and "Skybox" in SYS. So I untick "Microsoft MyPhone" in the BuildOS (which I think is a to the web backup program which I don't plan to use) Then BuildOS reports "Done" and Kitchen window does a build.
Is it ok to leave out "Microsoft MyPhone" or will that break my Omnia? Any ideas?