Originally Posted by jhonny11
For starters - use activesync to sync your calendar/contacts regularly. That's the most important stuff (usually). Then - spb backup will work. However, if you change rom images, you will not be able to restore the backup.
True to a point, if it is a full backup that is being restored. The System files will be from the previous ROM and includes the registry and program settings, and WILL cause real havoc and will probably crash your phone(Been there,done that
) You can however, custom restore PIM data and Documents. As long as you do not restore the system file you're good to go. I have done this for several ROM rewrites and it works. You still have some work to do after the backup, but it still saves a lot of re-setup after a ROM change.
On my current ROM for instance, I was able to restore my SPB PP settings from the backup on the storage card and that saved a good 30 minutes alone. Good info to know, especially when you're swapping ROMS trying new configurations because of the time saved. I reflashed Monday evening and 45 minutes later I was done, good to go. It used to take at least 2 hours.