Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 3.0 'Phoenix' (21812) ** || Build date 61209 ||
Originally Posted by kadukuchelu
I have a statement to make it being a free country and all. You are on here to give some feed back if you dont like the way it performs then try another ROM that works for you. This guy is making an effort to make this ROM for us here to try out he dosn't have to do what he is doing at all but he does just think of ppcgeeks as a department store try something you see on and if it doesn't fit you move on to the next one. I sometimes question why I served in the U.S. Army but it is people like you that reminds me why to protect that free speech that you I think sometimes abuse be grateful that you have that privledge now that I said my peace this ROM ROCKS NO DOUBT I am using it right now till the kinks are worked out of Decks SSS ROM. 
what does me postin on the internet have to do with u protecting my free speech? im not talking propaganda? im not talking about Politics? im not talkin about how my goverment or state is abusing me with taxes? im talking about batterylife and a rom? so thank u for taking lemons and trying to make applejuice with them...
Last edited by imtjnotu; 06-15-2009 at 02:12 AM.