Well, I just finished my cover, and I must say that this process is SUPER simple, nobody should be hesitant to try it.
I used a 3 step process to dye my cover. Home machinsts use this type of dye to color anodized aluminum so I followed their process. You will need a pot of hot water for the color (150 degrees), a pot of boiling water, and a pot of cold water (I just filled my sink). While the water is heating I spent my time scrubbing the cover with a sponge and some dish soap. You want to make sure every possible oil is removed from the cover, so scrub it good!
First step was the dye.
I used a meduim pot half full of water, a big enough pot to move the cover around in and deep enough to cover the cover completely and move it around. I also started a large pot of water to boil.
I heated the water to 150 degrees and put in2 or 3 ounces of liquid dye (RIT Scarlet). I then put the cover in the pot. I checked the cover every minute or so I could get it to the shade I wanted. I just used a spatula to scoop the cover out and check it.
Step two:
Once the cover was the color I wanted I immediately transfered it to the boiling water. I left the cover in for about 1 minute. Putting the dye in the boiling water helps seal the dye.
Step three:
I then transfered the cover to the cold water. I left it in the cold water for a couple of minutes, till it was completely cool. From my understanding this also helps seal the dye.
My cover came out fantastic, the color is near perfect (slightly too close to the diamond purple, but not that close). I rubbed the cover with a white towel to make sure the color had taken and not a single bit of red transfered to the towel.
The whole process took about 30 minutes, and all the pots (Stainless Steel) just rinsed clean. One thing though, there was a slight tint to the clear plastic over the camera and LED, the tint over the camera came off but not over the LED, so if you attempt this try some clear tape over the lens. BTW, the boiling water did not seem to hurt the cover at all, heck it sholdnt, the TP's get hoter than that just sitting idle