Originally Posted by Mystery
You seriously like this keyboard, isn't hard to type on. Also this keyboard is on the ROM just that is is disabled with a registry edit.
Give me a minute and I will give you the registry you have to edit to bring it back up.
Edit: Here change the 0 to a 1, I think this is the one:
can you build in:
resco explorer with all plugins
acb power meter
air horn
bafmsl (graps your msl code)
contact changer (allows you to do first name last name all at once for your contacts
Dashwire 2.x (
dcd vzw cab (i run my sprint phone on vzw)
divx player
flip it
flash player program fp7_ppc_en.cab
funambo-ppc-plugin.cab (
http://beta.aol.com to have aol contacts and calendar sync to your phone awsome)
g-pc (
www.extreme-apps.com) use gps to see how fast you go....
htc audio manager
light saber
live search windows
myphone beta (yes i use all phone contact backups)
omnia keyboard that works and not very small
showaco titanium weather
Titiam System Panel (tells what cpu/ram/ etc usage)
win_games have all ms games
that should about do it.....