Originally Posted by moonzbabysh
Only GSM is able to do Voice and Data simultaniously at the moment, but im sure with as much upgrading to there networks all the CDMA carriers are doing it wont be long, i give it maybe another year or two but i dont really need to make a video call anytime soon lol. so im not worried.
Actually, its not that GSM is able to do voice and data simultaneously. So called GSM carriers open up an additional channed using even more bandwith to accomplish this. So it is not on a shared channel at all.
To be totally correct, GSM as it existed in the past is not even around anymore. Carriers like ATT and T-Not-So-Mobile use WCDMA which stands for wideband CDMA. These networks, so far, are vastly inferior to CDMA 2000 networks because of the difference in frequency allocation and usage. That is why ATT has about 2.5 cells to VZW and Sprint's 1 Cell. (Cellular Towers).
Just a bit of info.