Originally Posted by dmiller1969
I'm a little confused. I opened this manilla file in notepad but there is no reference to the internet browser in that file. It merely lists the icons and you tube.exe, no mention of the executable file for Opera (which is where I would think to change it to IE). Am I on the wrong brainwave here? Thanks for your input.
This is what it looks like when you open it in notepad...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
Height="215" />
ImagePath="\Windows\HTC\Assets\Images\InternetPort al\youtube.qtc" />
Notice how it says default image path.... windows/globe.png. That globe.png and the globe selected.png are the pics of what I want my browser icon to look like. This is where this manila looks to, to find the image of the icon. So come up with an image one normal and one the way it will look when you press it save them with these names in your windows folder and bam!! Your done.