Please allow me to humbly offer my free (and worth every cent) opinion:
"Mystery's 06.13.09 ROM is a Really Great ROM update to the Touch Diamond!"
If you're a chef, ROM cooker, or daily check your forum rating, please skip over this message as I will probably say something wrong that could inadvertently insult you.
But if you, like me, are the Basic Touch Diamond user described below:
- use your phone daily as irreplaceable tool that helps you pay for living
- nearly p***** out from anxiety the first time you flashed a ROM
- don't have an entire afternoon to spend at Sprint Store every 6 months
- can't bring yourself to buy an iphone for moral reasons

- know that there are really smart people making awesome stuff for your phone for FREE
...well then, you just might find yourself wishing that someone could summarize the last few weeks of communal knowledge so you don't have to read 30 pages of stuff.
So here's my experience: Wow! This works like a new phone! It doesn't hang, crash, or reset itself while you're expecting an important call. It looks cool and adds the new People tab thing (I think it's called HTC phonecanvas?) that unifies all your communications to a contact on one screen. And you can try out newer, cooler Touchflo or WinMo 6.5.
Most importantly, "Thank you!", community of smart people and Mr. Mystery person for making this and for letting me use it. Now I have a Diamond 1.5. Peace.