Originally Posted by Grizzly_Addams
I love how new builds keep coming and each one seems to get better but with this last one I'm kind of concerned.
Everyone is reporting such great performance, but with this most recent build navigation of the OS is noticably slower for me than it was on any 27xxx build. In addition, I seem to run low on RAM much faster through usage as normal as making phone calls and texts, needing to soft reset every couple hours. Where as on 27xxx I could run all day browsing web and calling etc, and only soft reset once a day.
You might try re-flashing and once you've reflashed and booted into Winmo 6.5 soft reset the device. This build is running pretty quickly for me but I ran into the same problem you are now on a much earlier build. After a reflashed everything was good to go.
Hope this helps!