Originally Posted by powerpower73
hello mystery,
i really like your rom and i think it is the best i used so far. if i may, is there any way that i can free up some storage usage? because after i install some programs - to internal storage - i only end up with 12 - 15 MB or, is it ok for me to run the rom on this low memory?
again, thank you.
Well in the one I am uploading now I manage to get about 39 mb free for storage, is not that good but its better than previous builds. I once was running my ROM with many apps installed and had low memory and I did notice it was a bit slow, but not that much!
Originally Posted by Wond3r
Shipped ROMS will change my radio? ... So each time I flash and am supposed to go back to shipped, I'm also supposed to flash the updated radio each time I flash my new ROM???
Yeah it changes it, and I never looked at it that way but I guess you do.