Originally Posted by timetraveler
hi longhorn i just install your rom but gave me a box with an error
(proc) not found in a red small box do i have to reburn the rom or is there a bug ???
i nead some information and help please advise thank you
did anyone have same box on install ?? version 6.1 -21806 the 6.5 rom
umm just do a hard reset, i haven't gotten this error before but let it do its customization correctly and it should reboot it self.
Originally Posted by timetraveler
v 6.1 6.5 rom 21806 also the ring selection for incoming calls is very limited is the a cab outhere that will install additional ringtones anyone ??? looking very good on the build (master longhorn)
hmm i am not sure about the cab... but strange that the other ringtones did not come into the build i need to check my build log and see if i had that set to false sorry for the inconvenice.