Originally Posted by mightymike
Not even a close..When it comes to stability + SPEED..your rom is the one.
Anyway thanks 4 keeping MightyRom4 alive. You are one of the few thats still making 6.1 rom.
I'm a flashaholic..I have tried everything that comes out from Juicy 8(Beta 1/2) to Silence. But I just keep coming back to you. The closest one that even comes close to yours is JMZ 20090510 rom.(It's out dated and he made the jumped to 6.5)
So thanks again.
I know thousands of people have pressed the thank you button.But I know as a touch pro owner....I can't thank you enough
EDIT**I just tried internet sharing from my friends house last night(first time ever). Does it matter if I use Data Network or Phone as Modem.