Re: |>|> June 5<|<| Sac Warrior WM 6.5 Build 21731&21806.6.5 ROM/Kitchen 9.8 v3
A few questions:
1: If I disable facebook or twitter, I get a error about missing the cab in the windows folder. How do I not install items on the today screen I don't want or use?
2: What is the slider(?) that is displayed on the today screen that shows phone/Data/BT and wireless? How can I get rid of it?
3: Although I give SAC credit for a great running rom, I woould like to change the page that displays when it loads after turning the phone on.
4: Would also like to change the start button text.
Thanks for any help on these.
Last edited by Bear263; 06-12-2009 at 11:18 PM.
Reason: Needed to add a question