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Old 06-12-2009, 10:40 PM
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Re: [UPDATED 1/17/09] Treo 800w Registry Tweaks Consolidated

Another registry edit...

This will turn the customizable side button into one button press instead of a press and hold button.

HKLM > Software > Palm > Keyboard

Value: PressAndHoldDelay
Default Data: 1000

Enter 240 instead.

Now to activate the app connected to the button, you just press it. Instead of hold it . I put Pocket Player to the button.

Edit: Found a problem . The phone will turn off if the end button is pressed so I'll have to change the value to something longer. I tried 500 but still seems too long. I am going to try 300. Still too long. Now 200. 200 is a little too close because the device becomes unresponsive a little when the power button is pressed. Going to try 255. A little to far. You need to hold the button a little too much. Now to 240 . Works the best for both the End button and the Hold Button. Just don't hold down the end button too long to turn the screen off or go back to the home screen.

I increased it back to 500. I think a little delay is better since I keep accidentally turning off my Cellular connection.

Last edited by JAmerican; 06-17-2009 at 01:35 AM.
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