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Old 06-12-2009, 08:56 PM
lwrdrchvy2's Avatar
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I know the radar you have to enter a url that links to the radar page. I'm sorry I don't know the one you would need though lol Yea not very helpful I guess, sorry.
You would be very helpful if that was the issue I was having lol. I flashed back to MR5 and now I having the same problem on that ROM. Ive tried multiple versions of titanium weather, hard reset about 10 times and reprogrammed the phone but still no luck. Im going to try and install a different icon set to see if that fixes it since the icons show up until i go through the setup and if that doesn't fix it the ROM must have changed something that is consistent throughout rom's and the standard files.

Edit: Looks like this a problem with the Accuweather server and more people than just me are having the issue. Didn't happen til I flashed the ROM so I must have had perfect timing.

Last edited by lwrdrchvy2; 06-12-2009 at 09:11 PM.
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