Originally Posted by schettj
I bet it was Obama that did it
sorry you got slammed. Hope it works out.
lol! Freaking obama barak husseon stealing my sprint account and givint it to the misfurtuned!
Originally Posted by coolwhip1220
+1 on Obama. If you have 2 phones, shouldn't you pay for everyone to have 2 phones?
Now that you mentioned it, I bet Acorn members got 2 new Pros.
Anyways, I found several several articles about inside curruption over at Sprint. Some employees where erasing phone bill balances on friends account and charging a fraction of it. They got cought thou. Then theres a article on other Sprint employees stealing account info and selling it. They also got cought. So, it looks like there was a rash of this scam in may of this year. Alot of asurion claims were made by fraud. check your bills.